Developing and Testing the Validity of Case Definitions for Pelvic Floor Disorders in Women who Consult Family Medicine Practices in Canada



Sue Ross, Hilary Fast, Stephanie Garies, Deb Slade, Dave Jackson, Meghan Doraty, Rebecca Miyagishima, Tyler Williamson, Neil Drummond, Matt Taylor


Rebecca Miyagishima at



Women and Children's Health Research Institute (WCHRI)



Manuscript Written





Pelvic floor disorders (PFDs), including pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence affect up to 40% of women. Risk factors include increasing age, obesity, chronic cough and obstetrical history such as history of instrumental delivery, vaginal tears and increasing numbers of deliveries.


This study aimed to develop and validate case definitions for pelvic floor disorders, including urinary incontinence (stress and urge), fecal incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse in women presenting in primary care clinics.


A review of patient charts formed the gold standard and was compared to a computer algorithm of the case definition using the SAPCReN-CPCSSN database. Outcome measures included the validity metrics sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value as well as prevalence. Prevalence was determined within the sample using the gold standard chart review.